Local Installation

This guide assumes a working knowledge of command line usage and familiarity with python tooling

Prerequisites for a local installation.

Backend Dependencies

To install the required packages change into the project directory and execute

pipenv install

This command creates the virtual environment and installs all dependencies. To activate the created environment type:

pipenv shell

Under Linux it might be necessary to install additional dev-packages such as libjpeg-dev, zlibc, python-dev and libpg-dev through your distributions package manager.

Set a secret key

cp toucan_conf/settings/secrets.example.py toucan_conf/settings/secrets.py

Open toucan_conf/settings/secrets.py and set SECRET_KEY to some string.

Load the default categories

While not required it is strongly suggested to add some default categories for your installation. These can be added to/changed/deleted from the administrative interface.

./manage.py loaddata toucan/fixtures/issueTypes.json


The application requires a PostgreSQL installation (>=9.4) with a database named toucan. Configure the database connection by extending the DATABASES object in issues_tracker/settings/__init__.py:

  'default': {
    'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
    'NAME': 'toucan',
    'USER': 'postgres',
    'PASSWORD': 'postgres',
    'HOST': 'localhost',
    'PORT': 5434

To create the database scheme run the migrations (this might require PostgreSQL superuser rights to install the postgis extension):

./manage.py migrate

Build Frontend

The frontend part of the code is to be found in the 'frontend' folder. To install the build tools and dependencies of the frontend issue the following commands from within that folder.

Note: use either the yarn or the npm commands, both should result in the same packages being installed.

npm install


yarn install

Finally build the frontend assets

npm run build-dev


yarn build-dev



Start the development server so that the frontend is automatically rebuilt when a file is modified. In the ./frontend folder run the following command

npm run dev


yarn dev

For fearless frontend developers there is also the option to enable hot module replacement.

npm run hmr


yarn hmr

This will start a server to do the static file hosting on and skip the django dev server for the built frontend files.

Frontend Maps

By default the openstreetmaps service is used as the tile source for the mapping components.

If you intend to use mapbox tiles during development create a .env file inside the frontend folder and add a line similar to this one to it:


The API key can be found inside your mapbox account's settings.


Make sure you have activated the virtual environment:

source env/bin/activate

Make sure a Redis server is running and listening on port 6379.

Start the application server with development settings:

./manage.py runserver --settings=toucan_conf.settings.dev

You should be able to access the application now at